Tuesday, May 26, 2009

perlu ker?

aku sedikit kecewa ngan akak kat ofis aku...perlu ker nilai kaliber seseorg tu based on beauty???org chantek ni pandai ke wat keje??mn aci cam tu!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

he's going married nex month..

he's a goodlooking person..
i adore him..maybe because he's the only macho n single man at my office..haaa...
i know about his marriage last week
when he tell me so..he invites me to attend his wedding
i'm not going..i already promis with en hussain to come to dungun during that weekend..
so..better not going there..hee..

below is the invitation card..

Thursday, February 19, 2009

agro kasih

i bought new insurance takaful for myself
the promoter was en zahar..
so clever..
trick me to buy the product..
but it's okey..
also will give advantages to me in the future..heeee

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

my bestfriend wedding

yesterday ..i got a good news from friends of mine..
miki n aban..
they said that nony getting married..
what a joke....
but seriously.. the news is true..
i dont expect that she will get married so soon..hee..
but at the same time..
i feel so sad because she didnt invite me..
she did invite aban n miki..but not me...
i really2 sad..
today..she call up...
n you know what...
i got the invitation...
she invites me to the ceremony..lalalalala
n i'm going.....

Friday, February 13, 2009

happy ending

just now..i heard my father said that..
now he feel less worried about my lil bro..
may because last night my lil bro had call up
my mother n father..seem so happy..
a little is enough ..at least to make them smile..
my bro was okey there with the new environment..
he will call again next time..
i really hope that my lil bro
will be a strong person..
he's alone there..
everybody worried about him..
i hope that Allah will always keeps
eyes on him..=)


today, my advisor come to visit me at the bank..
he ask me to start speak in english...
the thesis going well..
i have already submit revised draft..
he said that he was so glad coming to melacca..
n satisfied with the apartment i book for him..
lalalallalal =)

Monday, February 9, 2009

tang...we love u so much